Fixed Assets

Crystal View Fixed Assets program is an accounting program that has enormous possibilities to collect and account data of all assets, whether land, equipment, cars or others, and analyze and manage them in a way that achieves the best benefit from them while reducing the costs caused by holding the asset.

And also it is a means of distributing the cost of tangible assets during their fixed useful life. Depreciation of long-term assets is a goal for both tax and accounting purposes. The former affects the balance sheet of enterprises or entities, as the depreciation method and its distribution affect the reporting of net income.

Generally when the costs are allocated, calculated as depreciation expenses, and between the periods when the asset is expected to be used. It is recognized that these expenses are prepared by companies for financial reporting and tax purposes. Accounting depreciation methods, the periods for which assets are depreciated, may differ between types of assets in the same business, and may differ for tax purposes.


There are several standard methods for calculating depreciation expenses, including a fixed percentage, a fixed premium, and a decreasing premium method. The calculation of depreciation generally begins when the assets are placed at the place of Service. Depreciation information such as life expectancy, depreciation method, depreciation rate, service start date, accumulated depreciation, Etc. ....


All types of transactions such as depreciation, transfers, scrapping, Etc. ...... Depreciation is calculated on a monthly, annual or for any period. Two types of depreciation methods allow depreciation of a fixed premium or a decreasing premium for depreciation.

Fixed Assets features & benefits

  • Fixed Asset information such as: asset code, asset name, description, original value, Supplier Code, purchase date, current value, location, cost center with the division of assets into different groups.
  • Complete data fixed assets description of the asset, the value of the asset and the value of the speculation group to which it belongs ... .
  • Net assets and accumulated depreciation during this period.
  • The possibility of checking the posting entries.
  • An audited balance of assets during the period.
  • Assets purchased during a certain period.
  • Display posting entries according to a set of parameters such as date, source and daily.
  • Report the statement of assets that have been sold or disposed of during a certain period.
  • Depreciation of assets during a period.
  • The position of assets according to the date of purchase and the different types of depreciation.
  • The state of all assets [total value-total depreciation-net worth].
  • And other reports cover all user requirements.